Saturday, June 26, 2010


You know I've always disliked summer.. i've also always been afraid to admit that fact.. Why?
cause what kid in their right mind hates summer break! every normal kid hates school therefore loves the alternative..
well its not that I love school.. "school" i mean.. the work, tests, quizzes, teachers, detention, crappy school lunches, obnoxious brats, and the ever detestable rules are much to my dislike.. but come on! the friends.. the constant "doing something".. i love that.. i need to be forced to keep active.. this nothingness kills me..

but here i am.. every year.. dying in front of a computer screen.. my eyes hurt and i appear to have reached the end of the internet.. but what else is there to do?! this year i am certain i will get a job.. but a whole month has gone by and no luck..
shoots.. before i know it'll be august 20-something and i'll be back at school..

so i decided to refresh.. starting with my blog.. one task down.. a million more to go..

bring it on..